
DECONGEST is a blend of powerful and organic medicinal herbs that:

  • Supports the respiratory system and strengthens the lungs

  • Helps ease colds, flus, viruses, bronchitis, pneumonia, coughs, sinusitis, laryngitis, tonsilitis, asthma, and other respiratory diseases

  • Acts as an anti-inflammatory and antioxidants

  • Helps clear excess mucus and open airways

  • Boosts immune system and helps fight pathogens and bacteria

  • Protects the respiratory and digestive tracts

  • Acts as an expectorant

A must have in everyone's home farmacy.

All the blends are medicinal blends and not casual teas. It is important to follow the instructions if you want to achieve the best results.

Instructions: Bring 500ml of filtered water to boil. When the water boils, turn off the heat and add one tablespoon of the herbal blend into the water. DO NOT boil the herbs. Steep overnight to get all the properties of the herbs out. In the morning, strain the leaves and drink. For one liter of boiled water, add two tablespoons of the herbal blend.

This product has not been evaluated by Health Canada and the FDA and is not intended to diagnose, treat or cure any diseases.

All herbal blend purchases are non-refundable.

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