Energy Medicine is the abundant reservoir of potent Life Force Energy of the Universe, that has the ability to Heal you on a Holistic level: mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, by addressing the root causes of any energetic imbalances and blockages that are causing diseases.
This energy channeled through the hands activates one’s body’s ability to heal itself. It also activates the parasympathetic nervous system, which is the part of the autonomous nervous system that controls rest and digest. When this system is activated, healing can occur as it releases stress, anxiety, depression, insomnia, burnout, PTSD, boosts your immune system and metabolism, regulates the heart rate and blood pressure, releases emotional, mental, and energetic blocages and imbalances, repressed emotions, and physical pains and aches that are more often than not a result of unresolved traumas stored in the body over the years, environmental and life stressors, as well as stagnancies and disharmonies.
Energy Medicine also awakens one’s Spiritual Consciousness by aligning Body and Soul, connecting one to their Higher Self and Source, and increasing one’s intuition and spiritual abilities. It restores harmony, well being, and balance.
Ear Candling, also called Thermal-Auricular Therapy, is an Ancient Kemetic and Alternative purification technique. It is a gentle and non-invasive way to pull out excess wax, bacteria, toxins, parasites and other impurities store inside the ear canal and sinuses, contributing to allergies, tinnitus, vertigo, ear infections, sinus infections, headaches, brain fog, and more. Ear Candling restores balance and clarity to the entire head and throat. Combining it with an Energy Medicine Session enhances results tremendously.
A consultation can be booked for Preconception or Conception education and guidance, guidance on nutrition, lifestyle and practices to implement before, during or after your Pregnancy, Prenatal or Postpartum guidance and support, or any guidance you would want without needing a doula to assist you throughout your full pregnancy and postpartum journey. You can also book this if you only need one prenatal session or one postpartum session. Consultations are 90 to 120 minutes.
Prenatal and Postpartum do not include my presence at the birth. This includes 3 prenatal sessions and 3 postpartum sessions. Additional sessions can be added in more support and guidance are needed. These can be done virtually and in person if we are in the same city.
This full package includes 3 prenatal sessions, my presence at the birth, and 3 postpartum sessions. Additional sessions can be added if more support and guidance are needed. The prenatal and postpartum sessions can be done virtually or in person depending on your location.